Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Here's hoping this doesn't suck.

Greetings oh weary wanderer. Our tale doth begineth once upon a time in the glorious realm of Jursht. Where unicorns and slime blobs frolic amongst the rainbows and I JUST CAN'T DO IT!!!

This is not a hack writer attempting to copy J.R.R. Tolkien. This is actually a hack writer attempting to be the illegitimate son of The Angry Video Game Nerd and Roger Ebert. This is the first entry of Random Nerd Reviews. This is the fourth sentence to being with the words "This is."

RNR is going to be me reviewing various elements of geekdom. Films, TV shows, anime, games, whatever. Hopefully, this will be done in an amusing fashion. If not you'll get to learn my opinions, and what could be better than that?

I suppose I should explain my credentials. I am a full blooded nerd, or Intello-American if you prefer the P.C. phrase. I received my training in professional production of bovine fecal matter (More commonly known as an English degree) several years ago. These days I make my home in Japan, the center of the nerd universe. Yes, you hate me, I know.

At first at least, this blog will be in the traditional letters on the screen format, but I have a cunning plan (BLACKADDER REFERENCE) to start the occasional video blog as some things are just more fun with the visual influence.

We start next week with some of the new anime series currently hitting the airwaves in Japan.


That's it.

That was the cheesy opening post because blogger forces me to make a first post.


Go away.

You smell.

Read my next post.

Post comments.

You don't really smell.

Too badly.

This joke.

Has run.

It's course.